- ▼ support the government of the province of La Pampa
The Controller Committee of Free Zone La Pampa (CVZFLP) It is an entity under the Ministry of Production of the province of La Pampa that serves as a link with the provincial government for the various steps requiring companies based in the ZFGP.
- ▼ promotional credit granted by the Banco de La Pampa, Zona Franca line.
TRate subsidized by the Ministry of Production. Deadline 5 years 1 year of grace. Unlimited amount.
https://produccion.lapampa.gob.ar/convenios-con-banco-de-la-pampa/prestamos-a-empresas-a-radicarse-en-la-zona-franca-de-general-pico.html - ▼ "Buy Pampeano".
Credit line with subsidized rate for the purchase of Pampa registered products (industrial products in La Pampa, certified as "Product Pampeano"). The purchase can be made by residents or companies not resident in the provincial territory, as a condition of the acquiring company must be linked to the Bank of la Pampa.
https://produccion.lapampa.gob.ar/compre-pampeano.html - ▼ "First Job Program"
It is aimed at young people between 18 Y 26 years and provides the company a monthly financial allowance for each employee, whatever their training, and increased allocation proving the Youth 75% tertiary studies and / or university.
- ▼ training programs for staff
They are channeled through the various intermediate entities.